I found this article very interesting which talks about the design patterns in MFC. Its exhaustive, detailed and is an interesting read.
The singleton pattern could well have been used in implementing CWinApp objects, which represent the application and should not be instantiated more
than once. MFC relies on the programmer to define only one static instance of a
subclass of CWinApp.
An SDI(Single Document Interface) can have multiple views which is demonstrated in this Microsoft example. A Document can have multiple views associated with it, UpdateAllViews() method is called from document to update all its views. But a View is always associated with a single document. SDI and MDI are different in terms of single or multiple documents and not views.
This article in code guru, explains the steps in creating an SDI with multiple views.
12/20/2009 11:33 AM
Can anyone recommend the top performing Remote Management & Monitoring software for a small IT service company like mine? Does anyone use Kaseya.com or GFI.com? How do they compare to these guys I found recently: N-able N-central remote pc software
? What is your best take in cost vs performance among those three? I need a good advice please... Thanks in advance!
1/30/2010 3:38 AM
I am the kind of hombre who enjoys to seek revolutionary things. Currently I'm building my own photovoltaic panels. I'm doing it all by myself without the aid of my men. I'm utilizing the internet as the only path to acheive this. I ran across a really awesome site which explains how to create pv panels and so on. The place explains all the steps required to solar panel construction.
I am not really sure bout how correct the information given there iz. If some guys over here who had xp with these things can have a peak and give your feedback in the page it will be grand and I'd highly value it, cauze I really take an interest in [URL=http://solar-panel-construction.com]solar panel construction[/URL].
Thanks for reading this. You guys are great.
2/08/2010 2:15 AM
Buying memory cards is such a chore... You have to Google prices, sort through which ones are legit, step out and walk around a bunch of shops,compare prices, finally buy your memory, and then constantly pray that the price doesn't drop in the next 2 weeks or so.
I've been done in by crazy price changes in the past... especially this one time when I bought a Micro SD card for my R4 gaming flash card at what I mistakenly assumed was a steal, only to later see that it had dropped $5 in a week's time.
(Posted by Nintendo DS running [url=http://quizilla.teennick.com/stories/16129580/does-the-r4-or-r4i-work-with-the-new-ds]R4[/url] SPPost)
2/22/2010 10:00 AM
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