Sites visited today

Lot of free time today, so used this time to browse internet! I use stumbleupon to browse sites of my interest. Its a good tool, but gets stuck often with my IE 6.0. Here are some of the interesting ones:

. callthefuture: concept sounds funny but never tried it.
. got how-to instructions for nearly everything
. increasingintelligence: Tips and definition of intelligence and many other brainy terms.
. popurls: lists out popular URLs from various sites such as digg, technorati, reddit etc
. hello: google's photo organizer
. The Hello World Collection: Hello World program in 47 programming languages
. Over 160 Free Personal Information Managers: Didnt get time to go through so many tool and and sites dedicated for Personal Information Managers!

Phew! too many sites today, I think I have hogged a lot of Internet traffic! Apart from the above list I also had to do research on various documentum products, around 20 of them. There is a huge list of EMC products, didn't expect EMC to have such a big list of software products.